Home: A site of resilience
Workshop hosted during the Joint Research Day 2024, KABK, The Hague
How can designers pursue a research method that collects, activates voices and behaviours not spoken?
The workshop aims to research, explore and share diverse ways of understanding the domestic environment through personal stories and lived experiences. By gathering these narratives, the workshop encourages designers and participants to collectively develop new principles for rethinking and redesigning domestic spaces.

In the first activity, participants are invited to draw a room from their home and share their drawing with the group, explaining the significance of the space in their lives.
Next, in the exercise “Thinking Otherwise,” the group creates a collective canvas—a collage that weaves together their stories and voices on a large piece of fabric, symbolizing their current environments. Participants are encouraged to brainstorm potential changes or interventions for their chosen rooms, inspired by each other’s ideas. This process results in a two-dimensional map that archives their collective aspirations. A transparent layer is then added on top, inviting participants to draw new connections, fostering collaboration and interaction.

Joint Research Day 2024, 22 November, Royal Academy of Art ( KABK), The Hague
photo credit: Georgina Pantazopoulou