
In the context of increasing migration, increasing patriarchal power systems and the increasing injustice and
inequalities, the question of a safe domestic space is pressing.

Common Ground activates that safe space for minorities, refugees, feminists,
decolonialists that want to set a new dominant memory. Common Ground is their home, their familiar,
their domesticity, their space of belonging. Common Ground works with inclusivity, care, solidarity and
imagination to bring an intersectional approach to the spatial discipline. For that reason Common Ground
develops multiple ways of knowing and unfolding realities and individual stories. Based on the empirical
accounts of lived experience, Common Ground not only collects those stories but raises new methods of
actively archiving and sharing them to set together new principles to rethink and redesign hostile living
conditions. We believe Common Ground can show a way to use design as a tool for more equal interactions.
Not only as an outcome but also during the design process. To teach and to learn from each other.

© commonground.practice 2022